
Man and Machine Series #1, 2017, 50cm x 40cm, digital print on metal (left)

Man and Machine Series #2, 2017, 50cm x 40cm, digital print on metal (right)


Neon Robot City #3, 2014, 26cm x 20.5cm, Silkscreen On Wood.

In this series, Shih Yun Yeo explores the performative nature of drawing by relinquishing control to toy robots. These machines generate spontaneous, unpredictable marks, challenging traditional notions of artistic authorship. The robot-created marks are then screen-printed onto wood and framed with neon yellow plexiglass, amplifying the work’s futuristic, sci-fi aesthetic. By embracing randomness and mechanical intervention, Yeo redefines the relationship between artist and tool, transforming the act of drawing into a dynamic collaboration between human intent and machine autonomy.

1 projects Bangkok

March 22 - May 12, 2019


Neon Robot City #2, 2014, 26cm x 20.5cm, Silkscreen On Wood. (left)
Neon Robot City #3, 2014, 26cm x 20.5cm, Silkscreen On Wood. (middle)
Neon Robot City #1, 2014, 26cm x 20.5cm, Silkscreen On Wood. (right)

EAT THE STICKY MACHINE brings about 3 Singaporean artists - Justin Lee, Yeo Shih Yun, and Yeoh Wee Hwee, who share their perspectives on how technological advances have impacted and transformed their daily experiences, for better and for worse.

Swamp by desires, the chaos of fast-paced society; most of us are caught in the swirl of this contemporary life. Our ever-growing demands bring about advancement in technology; changing the way we live, communicate, learn and travel. We have come such a long way within such a short time. Although these continuous technological advancements have delivered great benefits to our lives; we have to keep checking if we have also become passive receivers? Are we being controlled, ordered and shaped by these technologies that we surround ourselves with? What qualities of life have we improved? Have our real human needs been met?

Justin Lee, one of Singapore's foremost pop artist, believes that art plays an important part in helping people to grow. He sees the importance of role-playing to create self-awareness. In this exhibition, his video Eat Fast Food Fast, he reflects upon consumerism, it's an impact on our lives and the change it brings about in our lifestyle; how we have been influenced by-products and how it controls consumer behaviour and personality.

Yeo Shih Yun, full-time artist and director of INSTINC - an independent artist-run space, is known to reinterpret the very act of ink painting. In her Man and Machine Series, she continues to explore the performative aspect of drawing. With the use of non-traditional painting tools like toy robots and remote control cars, she embraces the marks made by these collaborators, surrendering her authorial control; releasing drawing from it enslavement - the artist's hand.

Yeoh Wee Hwee, known for creating cellulose sculptures, often explores the quality and functions of mass-produced materials used in our everyday lives. In I Am Not A Mass Product, she deconstructs the familiar everyday banalities and transforms them into objects overlaid with contradictions and ambiguity. She hopes to slow the viewers' gaze, to find some stillness amidst the rush of the day.

Eat The Sticky Machine acknowledges that life will never be the same; just as it has never been. We are living in this era where our daily lives are intertwined with technology like a sticky machine. The question is - how do we want to be consumed?